Instead of trying to build it to fit in an Altoids can as originally designed by Lee, I decided to make the build a little bit more versatile for future expansion and used Arduino-style connectors to enable stacking additional cards below the CPU board.
It's a good thing I did as Lee is working on a Serial/RAM/SD-card board that will allow this little gem to run CP/M!
Along the way, I also discovered the joys of FTDI USB-Serial mini-boards. Yay! No more RS232 voltage converters! And painless serial console from my Mac.
My other touches of "customizations" include IC sockets for the TTL chips and a barrel socket for an external 5V power supply for when the FTDI is not being used. When the FTDI board is used, a short across pins 19 and 20 of J2 connects VIN to VCC, thus powering the whole setup from the USB port of the Mac.