Today's article will talk about how to use RC2014 hardware with the 6502 CPU Board aka what is compatible and what is not.
You can go Tor-Eirik's route by using only custom memory and I/O boards to build a Replica 1. Or you can use what you already have (e.g. the boards that come with the RC2014 Full Monty kit).
To start, the following picture shows how we are inverting the Z80 and 6502 memory space as discussed in the last article:
RAM compatibility is the easiest to deal with.
The original 32KB RAM module works as-is. The entire 32KB is mapped to 0000h-7FFFh in the 6502 address space.
The 64KB RAM module works as long as you either disable or remove the lower 32KB device. This may sound counterintuitive until you consider that we're inverting the A15 signal to flip the upper and lower 32KB memory segments. If you look at this picture, the device to remove is U3 (marked as Start-7FFF). You will want to keep the device marked 8000-FFFF as it will be remapped to 0000h-7FFFh by the inverted A15 signal.
My own Real Retro 3KB RAM board will work as long as you short the JP1 jumpers. The latter will map the RAM from 0000h-0C00h in the 6502 memory space.
My Simple RAM/ROM board will also work. You will want to configure it, if you are inverting A15 on the 6502 CPU board, for ROMLO and RAMHI.
ROM is a little bit more complicated.
There are currently 2 "standard" ROM modules for the RC2014. I'll ignore the 8K module as I think it's no longer available.
The first module is that one that you'll get with the Full Monty kit. This module/board uses a 27512 ROM and splits the 64KB capacity of the ROM into 8 pages of 8KB each.
The address lines A15, A14 and A13 are used to decode the ROM in memory and 3 jumpers are used to select the page.
If we were to use the module without any modifications, we will map the ROM correctly to the top 32KB memory segment of the 6502 address space. However, the A14 and A13 will only select the ROM when they are low (0) which ends up mapping the ROM page to the lowest 8KB of that 32KB memory segment. Instead, we need the ROM page to be mapped to the highest 8KB in memory.
My solution has been to lift off Pins 1 through 3 of U1 (the 74HCT32), then solder a link from Pin 3 (U1) to ground. See this picture:
The next step is to select the right page in the ROM.
Assuming that you are using one of my ROM images and a 27512 ROM, you will probably only be writing the ROM image to the bottom 32KB of the 27512 ROM.
The 6502 boot code and Monitor/Debugger are located at the top part of the ROM image i.e. in page 3 of the 27512. So you will want to configure the jumpers to select Page 3.
The above applies only if you are using a 27512 device. If you are like me and use a 28C256 32KB EEPROM, you will want to tie the jumpers high (to '1').
The Pageable ROM module/board is a little easier although you will still want to make a wiring change.
The latter is to disable the paging circuitry. I have not tested that circuitry with the 6502. However, I have verified that it will crash an Intel 8085 (my 8085 CPU board for the RC2014). The reason for this is that the paging circuitry does not fully qualify I/O requests (e.g. via the WR or RD signals). So the ROM may be paged out in error.
To disable the paging circuitry, remove U6 (74HC393) and U2 (74HCT138). Then solder a link from pin 3 of the 74HC393 to ground.
If you are using a 27512, you will want to configure for a 32KB page size, then select the lower 32KB page (A15 of the 27512 to ground or '0').
If you are using a 28C256, things get more complicated. You will select a 32KB page size, but leave off the left-most jumper. Then jumper the A14 and A15 lines (in the page selector) to high or '1'. See the following illustration:
Page size:
x x x x x
| | | |
x x x x x
x x x x x
Page selection:
x x x x x x
| |
x x x x x x
x x x x x x
My Simple RAM/ROM board will also work. You will want to configure it, if you are inverting A15 on the 6502 CPU board, for ROMLO and RAMHI.
Serial I/O
Serial I/O on the RC2014 is done by a Motorola 68B50 ACIA. This device is bus compatible with the 6502. However, because of the way it is wired for use with the Z80, compatibility with the 6502 is not straightforward.
At the minimum, the E signal (Pin 14) must be disconnected from IORQ. To do this, you just need to pull the 74HCT04! Then you need to connect E to the CLK line of the RC2014 bus. The easiest way is to Pin 3 or 4 of the 68B50.
Finally, you will want to run the 6502 at a baudrate-friendly frequency. This is because the 6502's Phi2 output is connected to CLK and therefore used to generate the baudrate on the 68B50. I use a 1.8432MHz oscillator.
Now, this setup works. However, it has not worked reliably for me. It is possible that the 68B50 needs the actual R/W signal from the 6502 instead of the RD signal. I'll have to investigate further.
My own UART boards (both 16550 versions and the Real Retro UART) work. The key again, with I/O is to add C000h to the original Z80 port addresses.
Dr Baker's SIO board will likely not work as it uses a Z80-specific device. In any case, I have not tested it.
Other hardware
There are a number of other interesting RC2014 boards but I have not tested them for compatibility with the 6502. I would encourage other folks to check them out and let the community know what works vs doesn't work and/or workarounds/patches.
The RC2014 community itself has gone in many directions as far as add-on boards are concerned. Spencer Owen has graciously compiled a list of RC2014-compatible projects here.
Hopefully, the availability of a 6502 CPU board will spur development in even more directions...!
In my next article, I'll cover software for the 6502.
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